Monday, November 10, 2014

Ffryes Beach, Antigua

Historically, Antigua was one of the last islands to be colonized simply because of the never ending water shortage the island has been faced with. With very little rainfall comparatively and without large enough mountains for streams and rivers, Antigua has always been a dry island. Early European colonists knew living here would be tough and it wasn't until England realized the strategic importance of Antigua's coastline that the island became attractive. From the first colonial structures to the most modern buildings today, water catchment has always been important. As mentioned in one of my earlier blogs about the oil disaster here, Antigua finally tried to fix the water problem with a massive desalination plant sometime in the 1980s. This was a huge step in the right direction and for most of my adult life water shortages were a thing of the past. Sadly for one reason or another, the main desalination plant has not been able to keep up with demand. Depending on who you speak with, the reasons for this failure can be blamed on one political party or another. Anyway, that isn't the purpose of this blog. This blog is about an attempt to start up another smaller desalination plant at one of Antigua's favorite beaches which ultimately has been an unbelievable "cock-up".

Saturday, November 8, 2014

An Bang Beach, Hoi An, Vietnam

Think casuarina-lined white sandy beaches, just the right balance of great restaurants and bars, green lawns, island views and year round swimming in the tropical East Sea and you’ve got An Bang Beach in Hoi An.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Plage de Piémanson, France

The Camargue ends where the Grand Rhone meets the Mediterranean Sea. Plage de Piemanson is the beach you will find there. I was determined to walk into the sea, so I took off my shoes and headed in. Alas, it is too chilly (low 70's?) to swim, although I did see one man in the water for a few minutes. This beach is where people drive their campers and set up camp for extended periods. There are no services at this site.
